Woodmont Traditional Band program is where your student will improve their fundamental playing ability, learn music theory, and master methods of a musician. Our concert bands are split into three ability based ensembles (Freshmen Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Symphony).
All Traditional bands perform two concerts, one at each end of the semester, and attend Concert Performance Assessment (CPA) in the Spring. Students have the opportunity to be able to audition for All County and All Region Honor Bands and Solo & Ensemble! Tutoring is available for any interested student.
Concert Band is a wonderful way to focus on growth through music and performing with a wonderful group of students!
*Year-Long participation is encouraged.

CPA Performance 2022
Marching Band
The Marching Band is made up of musicians and non-musicians. These students dedicate their talents and energies into performing exciting shows. These shows are performed at Football games, and Saturday competitions. We plan participate in 4-5 competitions through September and October. Exact dates are TBD.
We rehearse 3 days a week from 4:00-6:30pm and have a 2 week band camp before the start of school. If you are interested in joining a wonderful group of students and a wonderful group of supporting staff and parents, contact Mr. Schooley! A combination of music and athletics Marching band is the most visible ensemble of the Woodmont bands. Every summer we learn a field production to show off our musical, and physical abilities. Your student will learn the fundamentals of marching, music, and dance to entertain large crowds at marching competitions across the Upstate.
*Fall Season

Friday Night Lights

Winter Percussion
Winter Percussion is an indoor activity where students learn a whole new marching show, but the twist is they only using percussion equipment! This activity is a fun chance to really focus on performance skills. Students that do not play percussion still have a chance to learn a new instrument. Auditions are a week long process where we teach the basics of percussion and then assign instruments based off of their progress and potential.
This activity is really fun and should be looked into if you have interest. More information will be released in the Fall.
*Winter Season

2nd Place Percussion
Winter Guard
In a similar vein, Winter Guard is just like Winter Percussion but with guard equipment instead. Your students will learn a show, matched up with a audio track, that will train them how to use all sorts of guard equipment such as flag, rifle, saber, and many more! This combination of dance choreography and acting is an exciting way to learn a skill that you may otherwise not have had!
The audition process is very similar to Winter Percussion in that it is a week long excursion, with staff teaching the fundamentals of guard before an audition for placement.
More information will be released in the Fall.
*Winter Season