The Woodmont Band Boosters are parent volunteers organization that supports the Woodmont Bands and students. They work with the band director to promote, encourage, and sponsor activities of the band. The Woodmont Band Boosters hold at least 4 Business meetings a year. Meeting shall be held in:
July/August - Start of Marching Season
October/November - Start of Percussion and Guard Season
April - Election of new officers and amendments of By-laws
Every parent and guardian is encouraged to join the booster club so that they can enjoy the benefits of voting at the monthly meetings and receive first hand up-to-date information as well as obtain eligibility to run for an executive board position. The small $5 membership fee is used to offset the annual tax preparation expenses associated with our non-profit organization.
WHS Band Boosters Executive Board
Vice President- Heather DeJong
Treasurer- Dory Deal
Ways and Means- Brandi Rauterkus
Hospitality- Sharon Neamon
Social Media/Publicity- Gerra Styles
Volunteer Coordinator- Jason Biggs